What Is Car Key Reprogramming?
Car key reprogramming involves programming a new, blank key with the right information to enable it to work with your car’s current programming.
The Process.
To start, Instant Lock & Key technician will determine the make and model of your vehicle, as well as the type of key you’ve got. Depending on the circumstances, they may provide you with a fresh key or reprogram your existing key.
Reprogramming involves the use of professional software – Instant Lock & Key will connect their computer to the OBD (onboard diagnostics) port on your vehicle (this is often underneath the dashboard). Using this software, the technician is able to reprogram your key with the correct code to work with your vehicle. Access to this type of software is tightly controlled – only licensed automotive locksmiths can gain access and, even then, they are required to follow strict protocols.
Lost Transponder Key.
What to Do If You Lose Your Original Transponder Key.
If the original transponder key to your car is lost, you will need to contact a car key locksmith to get a new key made, copying isn't an option. Without the originals, it will be impossible to take the DIY route. A trained locksmith technician will reprogram a new car key using professional equipment. During this process, the technician is required to obtain your car’s VIN. VIN - Vehicle Identification Number. This is a security procedure to ensure you are the rightful owner of the car. The VIN information is vital for the replacement and reprogramming of a new key.
Instead of going to a dealership and spending more than you bargained for, call Instant Lock and Key for fast and efficient transponder key programming. We offer transponder key replacement, key fob replacement, and other services.
How a Transponder Key Works.
Transponder keys contain a microchip inside of them that transmits an alphanumeric code to the ignition so that the car will start. This helps prevent theft. The car has to have the transmitted code to go anywhere.
Vehicles manufactured with a transponder key won’t start without the original transponder. This is why losing your transponder key can be troublesome. If you cannot afford a locksmith than following the steps below is the next best step.
Step 1: Sitting in your car with the doors closed, place the transponder key in the ignition of your car and turn it into the ON position. Do not turn the engine on. You will want to keep this on for a precise 10 minutes and 25 seconds – so use the timer on your phone to ensure you get the timing right. At this time, the security light on your dashboard will light up. If it doesn’t, you may need to check your battery.
Step 2: Once the security light illuminates, set the timer again – this time for 15 minutes. Remember, you must be meticulous with the time. After it elapses, the security light on your dashboard should go off.
Step 3: Three minutes after the security light turns off, turn your ignition OFF – and then turn it right back ON again. When you do, the security light should reappear and stay on for another 15 minutes before it shuts off again.
Step 4: As the security light on the dashboard disappears, wait 3 minutes and then turn the ignition OFF – and then turn it right back ON again. And, as predicted the security light will illuminate on the dashboard for another 15 minutes before the light turns off.
The transponder key should now be programmed to your automobile. Try turning on your engine with the key as it should start now – and allow you to drive without any issues.
An important note: Once you program a new transponder key for your car, your original transponder key will no longer work.